August 2011

What We’re Reading-September

BOOKS-September 2011 Illustration by Eric Hou Newly published from Maine: Recent favorites by local authors   The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You Eli Pariser, Penguin In this new release, Eli Pariser, erstwhile executive director of Moveon


A-LIST- September 2011 By Tyler Boucher 01 Sandy Stream Pond  Sandy Stream Pond offers a stunning view of the iconic granite monolith dominating the skyline: Mount Katahdin. Accessible via a relatively flat half-mile trail from Roaring Brook Campground, the pond

Inn at Sunrise Point

Southern hospitality meets the Maine coast at this stunning seaside inn. If you close your eyes and imagine a classic coastal retreat, there’s a good possibility that your vision would look like the Inn at Sunrise Point, which is located


LISTEN-September 2011 Text + photograph by Bryan Bruchman Bryan Bruchman doesn’t miss a beat when it comes to music happenings around Maine. Every issue, he fills the calendar with the best concerts, album releases, and news from your favorite artists