July 2015

David Cousens | President of Maine Lobstermen’s Association

David Cousens has been the president of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association (MLA) for 24 years. Cousens led the organization through the 1990s, which saw numerous drastic changes in the regulation of the Maine lobster industry. “All of these changes were very

Des Fitzgerald | Entrepreneur-In-Residence with Maine Venture Fund

“As in life, everything is a work in progress,” says Des FitzGerald. “We are all ultimately both expendable and precious, and how we choose to challenge ourselves with continuously improving is what makes a difference between the excellent and the

Ashley Bryan | Artist

Through a child’s eyes, the world is full of love, hope, and joy, and artist Ashley Bryan encourages that spirit to stay alive throughout life. Bryan, an author, illustrator, puppet maker, and storyteller lives on Little Cranberry Island. Bryan attended

Julie Marchese | Founder of Tri for a Cure

Julie Marchese’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. Then years later, Marchese received her own diagnosis—she had cancer, too. A year after the news, Marchese decided she would race in a triathlon. Her motivated spirit propelled Marchese to present an idea

Dan Crewe | President of the Bob Crewe Foundation

“After spending some time in Maine when I was younger, in 1991 my family and I moved to Maine believing that our lives could and would be more enriching and fulfilling,” says Dan Crewe. What Crewe didn’t realize is tha

Eugenia L. O’Brien | Founder of Portland Ballet

When Eugenia O’Brien moved to Maine, she found a city that had theater productions, symphonies, and a museum of art, but felt it was one art form short: ballet. She founded Portland Ballet, a community of professional dancers, and also

Jan Anderson Kearce | Executive Director at Lift360

When asked about the work she does in and for Maine, Jan Anderson Kearce quoted founder of Outward Bound Kurt Hahn: “There is more in you than you think.” She added, “There is more in me than I know today.