June 2017

Xavier Botana | Superintendent of Portland Public Schools

Portland superintendent Xavier Botana is proud of his district’s diversity. Botana, who came to the United States as a Cuban refugee who didn’t speak English, notes that given an influx of immigrant families into Portland, his experiences are similar to those of many children in the

Mary Allen Lindemann | Cofounder and Community Builder at Coffee by Design & Alan Spear | Cofounder and President of Coffee by Design

When Mary Allen Lindemann and Alan Spear opened their first Coffee By Design (CBD) location on Congress Street in Portland, the downtown was experiencing a 40-percent vacancy rate. Coffeehouses have a history as “community centers,” as Lindemann notes, which allowed the pair to pursue their love of

David A. Greene | President at Colby College

David A. Greene, who became Colby College’s twentieth president in 2014,has made the revitalization of downtown Waterville a priority for the college. Once located downtown, the college moved to its spot on Mayflower Hill thanks to Waterville residents who rallied to raise the funds needed to

Jim Gerritsen | Former Owner of Wood Prairie Family Farm

As the owner of Wood Prairie Family Farm in Bridgewater for the past 40 years, Jim Gerritsen dedicated his life to organic farming and the politics that go along with it. His life’s work has been to realign our culture and the food it consumes by

David T. Flanagan | Director at the Harold Alfond Foundation, Director at MaineGeneral Medical Center, Director at Dead River, Inc., former President of the University of Southern Maine, former CEO of Central Maine Power Company & Kaye Flanagan | Chair of the Steering Committee for the Deborah Morton Society of the University of New England

David and Kaye Flanagan note that while civic engagement is declining around the country, Maine has maintained a strong sense of civic duty. Exemplifying the local work ethic, the Flanagans have made it their mission to contribute to the greater good. David has led several organizations that have

Ann Lee Hussey | Adviser to Rotary International Polioplus Committee, Rotary’s Representative on the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s Transition Management Group

Over her lifetime, Ann Lee Hussey has immunized tens of thousands of children all over the world against the poliovirus. In 1955 at the age of 17 months, Hussey contracted the poliovirus while growing up in South Berwick. During her childhood, a woman who read about her

Jess Knox | Director at Maine Accelerates Growth Initiative, Founder of Maine Startup and Create Week, and Cofounder and President of Venture Hall

Jess Knox came up with the idea for Maine Startup and Create Week (MSCW) in 2012, two years before he would eventually kick off the organization and event series. “Maine is a world-class place with all the raw materials to drive a high-impact startup movement, but we need

Andrea L. Irwin | Executive Director of Mabel Wadsworth Center

As executive director of Mabel Wadsworth Center, a feminist healthcare provider in Bangor, Andrea Irwin works to normalize abortion within the context of reproductive healthcare. Irwin has driven the center toward more inclusive policies that meet community needs; for example, the healthcare provider now treats men as well