A Stitch in Time
Once upon a time, Maine was one of the world’s major shoe manufacturers. Hidden away in the hulking old mills of Lewiston and Auburn, artisans keep the tradition alive.
Peaks Island’s Steve Bushey has been called a lot of things: Steve, Steven, Steve the Cartographer, and for folks who need further explanation, Steve the Professional Mapmaker. He and his wife, Angela Faeth, are the founders of Map Adventures, and
Once upon a time, Maine was one of the world’s major shoe manufacturers. Hidden away in the hulking old mills of Lewiston and Auburn, artisans keep the tradition alive.
Founder Alexandra Doudera tells us about becoming an ocean-centric entrepreneur with a focus on outdoor learning.
January 1st marks the opening day for Maine’s ice-fishing season, and you almost can’t head onto a frozen pond in the Pine Tree State without seeing at least a few Jack’s Traps.
On publishing unpublished authors, what it means to de-tokenize an anthology, and a plethora of (unplanned) Maine connections.
The Guyot family's passion for watchmaking has been passed down through the generations.
How a young boy with an inquisitive mind grew up to become an author, museum director, and professional Bigfoot hunter.
How AMC’s Steve Tatko aims to preserve Maine’s forest ecosystem for future generations to enjoy.
Follow along to the snowiest corner of Aroostook County for a lesson in walking on clouds.
A seasoned group of hunters and their dogs search for the ghost of the forest in Maine’s North Woods.
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