In The Community Scarborough Education Foundation's Harvest Celebration [Back To Gallery] David Strouse, Larissa Pratt, Neal Pratt John Massengill, Kristen Dequattro Will Leadley, Kara O'Brien Will Leadley, Kara O'Brien Jonathan Shinay, Mike Farino John Massengill, Christine Massengill Eric Boucher, Amy Boucher Loriann Bosse, Amy Boucher, Elizabeth Quaglieri, Jeffrey D'Amico Will Sweet, Kendra Sweet Janine Somers, Lily Somers, Liam Somers Michael Beeler, Lisa Beeler Peter Kunkel, Kim Kunkel Cindy Parenteau, Josh Parenteau, Paul Stratis, Allison Stratis Bryan Shumway, Jen Shumway, Kelly Murphy, Jack MurphyPrev1234Next PrevNext