
Maine offers a range of exciting adventures and spectacular sights as vast as the state itself. Now you have an easy way to navigate it all, with NaviTour, a new online tour and experience booking service that’s unlike any other.

NaviTour will help you discover the Maine you’ve dreamed of, or new places, stories, and insights you never imagined. Yes, you can search by region and interest, but the big advantage with NaviTour is you can check out the guides themselves, learn about their expertise and perspectives, and even start a conversation with them before you book.

You can partake in a guide’s typical outing or work together to customize a plan for your group, and plan, pay, share photographs and reviews, and more, all in one place.

NaviTour will help you find ways to enjoy our celebrated seafood and famous restaurant scene, scores of craft breweries, hiking, boating, fishing, and camping from coast to mountains, and to dig deeper. There are guides who can share Maine’s rich African-American history, or insights into Native American traditions still practiced today.

NaviTour is focused on making Maine accessible and user-friendly for all. BIPOC, LGBT, women, spectrum, mobility, or deaf people can find a guide able to cater to you and, most importantly, instantly make you feel welcome and at home.

Start making your Maine memories here, life experienced together!

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