Finding the unfilled spaces in the whirlwind of daily life plays a critical part in one’s ability to truly be present for and enjoy life as it enfolds. Mindfulness or consciousness is an age old practice in Eastern and Western cultures, with a long tradition of helping the mind and body heal. Join us as we discuss the psychological and physiological benefits of meditation with Dr. Joseph Semmes from True North, and learn how to begin our own practice with teacher Surya-Chandra Das of Rolling Meadows Retreat.

Surya-Chandra Das
Surya-Chandra Das began studying hatha yoga and meditation in 1988 and has taught classes and yoga retreats since 1990. He emphasizes the need for each individual to directly discover their own truth without dogma, ritual or technique. Surya supports and encourages students to let go of striving and becoming; to increase their capacity to live with conscious awareness of the wisdom of body; to be present for conditioning from a non-judgmental and somatic reference point, allowing us to live from the natural joy, ease and openness of Being. Surya and Patricia Brown are the founders and teachers at Rolling Meadows Retreat in Brooks, Maine.
Dr. Joseph Semmes
Dr. Joseph Semmes practiced Emergency Medicine in Northern Virginia for fifteen years, and is currently on staff at Mercy Hospital and the Maine Medical Center. He is True North’s Director of Research and gives talks through the Education Program.
Dr. Semmes serves on the Advisory Board of the Cancer Community Center, the Medical Staff Credentials Committee and Institutional Review Board of Mercy Hospital and is a corporator of the Hospice of Southern Maine. He is also a member of Maine Medical Center’s preventive medicine taskforce and an advisory editor of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Semmes’ special interests are helping care for cancer patients, the role of nutrients in cancer biology, preventing dementia and depression, evidence-based medicine and mind-body medicine.
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