Wisdom #17

If wisdom is wealth, then your body is a vault of untold proportions. Join us for an extended interview with women’s health pioneer, Dr. Christiane Northrup as we celebrate the publication of the new edition of her landmark bestseller.


Dr. Christiane Northrup, women's health pioneer and #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Wisdom of Menopause

Dr. Christiane Northrup

Dr. Christiane Northrup’s #1 New York Times bestseller The Wisdom of Menopause has inspired more than a million women with a dramatically new vision of midlife – and will continue to so for generations to come. As Dr. Northrup has championed, the “change” is not simply a collection of physical symptoms to be “fixed,” but a mind-body revolution that brings the greatest opportunity for growth since adolescence. The choices a woman makes now – from the quality of her relationships to the quality of her diet – have the power to secure vibrant health and well-being for the rest of her life.

Internationally known for her empowering approach to women’s health and wellness, Dr. Northrup is a leading proponent of medicine and healing that acknowledges the unity of the mind and body, as well as the powerful role of the human spirit in creating health. Following a career as a practicing physician in obstetrics and gynecology for over 25 years, Dr. Northrup has dedicated her lifework to helping women (and the men who love them) learn how to flourish on all levels by creating health, prosperity, and pleasure in their lives. She says, “I’ve spent the first half of my life studying and footnoting everything that can go wrong with the female body—and figuring out how to fix it. I’m dedicating the second half of my life to illuminating everything that can go right with the female body, including teaching women how to truly flourish.”

Dr. Northrup stays in touch with her many fans worldwide through her Internet radio show Flourish!FacebookTwitter, her monthly e-letter and her Web site.

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Our “Give Back” segment features Dr. Dorothy Foote, Martha Kempe and Joseph Hufnagel of Community Schools at Opportunity Farms and Camden offer relational learning programs that transform the nature of a high school education by providing students with the skills and experience necessary to discover their strengths, connect with their families, practice personal responsibility, and contribute to their communities, and which culminate in awarding a high school diploma from the State of Maine.

Dr. Dorothy Foote is the Executive Director and Head of School. She holds a Ph.D. in Education and Psychology and a MS in Human Development from The University of Maine. She lives in Rockport with her husband Charlie and her own adolescent personal trainers, Andrea 21, Morgan 18, and William 15 and a splendid Maine Coon Cat named Puck.

Martha Kempe is the Passages Program Director. Martha holds an undergraduate fine arts degree from University of Oregon and a masters in Expressive Therapies and Counseling from the University of Louisville. Martha loves family, good books, laughter and seeing new places.

Joseph Hufnagel is the Residential Program Director. Before moving to Maine, Joseph worked as a teacher and after-school director at The Middle School Academy in Boston, as a teacher and administrator at The Nantucket New School, and as a teacher, coach, and community organizer with Teach for America, where he worked along the Texas/Mexican border. Joseph loves being part of a team, working with exceptional people, playing sports and music, exploring the world, and sharing life with his family and friends, most especially his beautiful wife, Amy, and adorable baby girl, Zoe.

Our financial wellness tip of the week is brought to you by Tom Shepard of Shepard Financial. While Dr. Lisa Radio Hour business advisor, Marci Booth of BOOTH Maine, offers better business tips, Ted Carter of Ted Carter Inspired Landscapes shares important talking points, and Black Bear Medical covers health and fitness updates.