Hay Barrels Inside Old Barn in Winter

Love, Spirituality, & Self, #115

As humans, we gravitate toward certainty and stability. We like to believe that life has an inherent logic. What many of us learn, as we progress through our lives, is that things are far less logical than they seem—or at least far less intellectually logical. When we open ourselves to the logic of the heart, we find stability through a deeper sense of our own spiritual selves. In opening their hearts to love of self and others, our guests today have done just that.



Elaine G. McGillicuddy

Elaine G. McGillicuddy

Elaine G. McGillicuddy, MA, now a poet and writer, is a former Ursuline nun, a retired high school English teacher, a certified Iyengar yoga teacher who co-founded Portland Yoga Studio in 1989 with her late husband, Francis, and a leader of monthly Dances of Universal Peace at the Studio. Following (since Francis’ death) the publication of Sing to Me and I Will Hear You – The Poems, her second book is in process of being published: Sing to Me and I Will Hear You – The Memoir: A Love Story.

Sukie Curtis

Sukie Curtis

Sukie Curtis is a painter who is constantly inspired by the natural beauty of Maine and the “ordinary splendor” of fruits, veggies, flowers and clouds as well as simple household objects. Formerly an Episcopal priest, she seeks to spread delight and ignite curiosity with paint, brush, and palette knife. Sukie’s work explores the powerful energies of color and color’s capacity to inspire and heal.

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